Saturday, August 1, 2015

My cam had a baby.

Needed something small for the days my body is too weak handling the big one (and my phone's cam just doesn't cut it for me). Got a good deal on this one. I'm paying for my outing now, headache, feeling weak and overwhelmed. Heat, too many people, the mall was crazy, people buying, buying, buying. It showed me again that I can't handle it often anymore. *A*n*y*w*a*y*, new toy, so yay! lol First though, vacuuming, stationary bike. Blech!


  1. Those little ones are excellent fun for makro photos! They do the job so differently from an SLR and often have fun play settings too like fake fisheye effect.

    I can't get to terms with phone photography either.

    1. I can't wait to explore (battery still charging)!

  2. ich hab eine "kleine" Nikon und die ist super für "schnell schnell" Fotos. Und sie hat Einstellungen die der große "Nikon Bruder" nicht hat :) Viel Spaß damit :)
    GLG, Geraldine

    1. Wir sind ein Canon Haushalt hier, Mama und Baby. ;)
