Saturday, September 6, 2014

29 faces - 6 of 29

6 of 29: graphite and colored pencil in Moleskine journal


  1. She matches the quote perfectly! Your style is also really charming and chalk-full of character.

  2. very adorable face, and thank you for visiting my blog. I also had never attempted to draw that large, because with this 29 faces challenge, the idea is to try things that you normally don't do, I gave it a go and realised I loved it. Please give it a try.

    1. Thank you, Angelique will give it a try as soon as I get some large paper. I don't even have any cheap paper that large.

  3. That quote is awesome and the expression on her face matches it so well!

  4. This is so perfect in all ways. Love the quote and the facial expression (what a dear face) is the perfect accompaniment! Love it!
